Pitch, mixed brown-coaltar-ethylene manufg. pyrolysis oil distn. (100403-59-6)
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Other Product
- Coke (coal), mixedbrown-coal tar-ethylene manufg. pyrolysis oil distn.
- Residues, carbonblack-ethylene manufg. pyrolysis pitch carbonization
- Coke (coal), mixedcoal-tar pitch-ethylene manufg. pyrolysis pitch
- Coke (coal), brown-coaltar pitch
- Naphtha (petroleum),residual oil distn. light arom., alkene-alkyne manufg. pyrolysis byproduct
- Distillates(petroleum), alkene-alkyne manuf. pyrolysis oils, mixed with high-temp. coaltar, indene fraction , Friedel-Crafts self-condensation reaction products
- Distillates(petroleum), alkene-alkyne manuf. pyrolysis oils, mixed with high-temp. coaltar, indene fraction, Friedel-Crafts reaction products with phenol and vinylarom. compds.
- Aromatic hydrocarbons,C20-28, polycyclic, mixed coal-tar pitch-polyethylene pyrolysis-derived
- Aromatic hydrocarbons,C20-28, polycyclic, mixed coal-tar pitch-polystyrene pyrolysis-derived
- Carboxylic acids, tall-oil, reaction products with ethylenediamine manufg. distn. residues
- Rosin, oxidized, mixed with tall-oil pitch, sodium salt
- Gasoline, pyrolysis, distn. residues
- Extract oils (coal),coal tar-residual pyrolysis oils, naphthalene oil, distn. residues
- Castor oil, mixed esters with ethylene glycol and neats-foot oil
- Fatty acids, mixed tallow and vegetable-oil, distn. residues
- Aromatic hydrocarbons,C20-28, polycyclic, mixed arom. oil-polyethylene pyrolysis-derived
- Aromatic hydrocarbons,C20-28, polycyclic, mixed arom. oil-polystyrene pyrolysis-derived
- Distillates (petroleum), alkene-alkyne manuf. pyrolysis oil, mixed with high-temp. coal tar, indene fraction
- Coal tar pitch,brown-coal
- Coaltar