Fettalkohol-EO/PO-Addukte (52503-51-2)
Identification |
Properties |
Safety Data |
Other Product
- Fettalkohol-EO/PO-Addukte
- Fettalkohol-EO/PO-Addukte
- Polypropylenglykol + EO-dibehenat, mittlere PO 34,8 mol und EO 10 mol
- 9-Octadecenoic acid, 12-hydroxy-, [R-(Z)]-, polymer with methyloxirane and oxirane (EO 5-15 mol, PO 2-8 mol)
- Methyloxiran Polymer mit Oxiranhexandioatditetradecylether (2:1), mittlere Molmasse 10 g/mol, 2 mol PO und 10 mol EO
- Oxiran, Methyl-, Polymer mit Oxiran, Mono-C10-16-Alkylether, Phosphat, Kaliumsalz, EO 6-10 mol, PO 4-8 mol
- PO 30
- PO-San A
- (~218~Po)polonium
- Biopol PO 8
- PO 1 (growth stimulator)
- EO 1428
- F9C4-C2H4-PO(OEt)2
- Isotridecyletherpropylamin mit 5 EO
- Miranol Ester PO-LM 4(9CI)
- Phosphorus oxide (PO)(6CI,7CI,8CI,9CI)
- Polonium hydroxide oxide (Po(OH)2O)
- Fmoc-L-Tyr(PO(OH)2)-OMe
- Fmoc-L-Tyr(PO(OEt)2)-OH
- Nonylphenolacetat, ethoxiliert, EO 20 mol