Coke (coal), semi- (68409-95-0)
Identification |
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Other Product
- Coke(coal)
- Coke (coal), secondary pitch
- Coke (coal), solvent extn.
- Light oil (coal), semi-coking process
- Coke (coal), brown-coaltar pitch
- Coke (coal), solvent extn. calcined
- Light oil (coal), coke-oven
- Coke (coal), mixedcarbon black-coal-tar pitch
- Coke (coal), pitch-bound coal briquet carbonization
- coke (coal), mixed coal-high-temperature pitch
- Coke (coal), naphtha cracking ethylene manuf. by-product
- coke (coal tar), high-temperature pitch
- Light oil, coal, coke oven, distn. residues
- Coke (coal), mixedbrown-coal tar-ethylene manufg. pyrolysis oil distn.
- Coke (coal), mixedcoal-tar pitch-ethylene manufg. pyrolysis pitch
- Coke, mixed with coal-petroleum pitch and periclase brick, reclaimed
- coke (coal tar), low-temperature, high-temperature pitch
- Distillates (coal), coke-oven light oil, naphthalene cut
- Residues (coal), coke-oven gas-polynuclear arom. hydrocarbons reaction products distn.
- 7,8-Dimethylquinoline semi-sulfate