WormHelminths and unspecified worms are indexed at thisheading. For studies of other worms see thescientific or common namesWormal (8026-88-8)
Identification |
Properties |
Safety Data |
Other Product
- 12585-87-4] Studies of unspecified positronium and the species e+eareindexed at this heading. Other species are indexed at their own headings (e.g.,Positronium (e+2e-2)
- GrasshopperStudies of grasshoppers as a group are indexed at thisheading. More specific studies are indexed at thegenus-species namesGrasshopper ketone
- Allspice (Pimenta dioica)Spice studies are also indexed at this headingAllthiox
- CrabStudies of crabs as a group are indexed at this heading.More specific studies are indexed at thegenus-species names16-Crab-5
- BeeStudies of bees as a group are indexed at this heading.More specific studies are indexed at the commonor scientific namesBE 32030E
- HeronStudies of herons as a group,and of species not furtheridentified,are indexed at this heading. Studies ofidentified species are indexed at the scientificnamesHeron hepatitis B virusHerpepentol
- WaspStudies of wasps as a group,or of species not furtheridentified,are indexed at this heading. Studies ofidentified species are indexed at the scientificnamesWasser V
- Papaverine (base and/or unspecified salts)
- leukocyte common antigen-related peptide
- ArenicolaLugworm is also indexed at this headingArenine
- CallunaHeather is also indexed at this headingCallunin
- Vegetable gums, other than those CFR listed
- Curcuma longaTurmeric is also indexed at this headingCurcumanolide A
- Pseudococcus comstockiComstock mealybug is also indexed at this headingPseudococcus fragilisCitrophilus mealybug is also indexed at this headingPseudococcus maritimusGrape mealybug is also indexed at this headingPseudocodamine
- Pulps from wood, straw, bagasse, or other natural sources
- see Theopalauamide
- Carpophilus lugubrisDusky sap beetle is also indexed at this headingCarpoxanthin
- PolybenzothiazolesPolybenzoxazolesPolymers containing the benzoxazole ring in thebackbone are indexed herePolybenzylsPolyberbine
- Aspartamide. Asparaginamide itself is indexed at Butanediamide,2-amino-
- Parlatoria pergandiiChaff scale is also indexed at this headingParlay C