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Aluminum chlorohydrate

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[Fire Fighting]

Wear NIOSH/MSHA approved SCBA and full protective equipment.

Store in a cool dry location, away from incompatible materials.

Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing. Do not breath vapors. Wash thoroughly after handling. Contaminated clothing should be laundered before reuse. This material should only be handled in a hood.
[Personal Protection]

Use ANSI approved chemical goggles and impervious gloves and protective clothing.

Use NIOSH/MSHA approved respirator appropriate for exposure of concerned. Use NIOSH/MSHA approved safety equipment.

glassy solid

Substance is used in antiperspirants.
[Product Name]

Aluminum chlorohydrate

Aluminum chloride hydroxide
Aluminum chloride, basic
Aluminum chlorohydroxide
Aluminum hydroxychloride
Aluminum oxychloride
Poly(aluminum hydroxy) chloride



[RTECS Class]

Reproductive Effector


Stable at normal temperratures and pressures.