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Diisooctyl phthalate

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[Flash Point]


[Fire Fighting]

Fire Extinguishing Agents Not to Be Used: Water or foam may cause frothingFire Extinguishing Agents: Dry chemical, carbon dioxide, foam.
[Upper exp. limit]

[Lower exp. limit]


Seek medical attention. If individual is drowsy or unconscious, do not give anything by mouth; place individual on the left side with the head down. Contact a physician, medical facility, or poison control center for advice about whether to induce vomiting. If possible, do not leave individual unattended.

Move patient to fresh air. Monitor for respiratory distress. If cough or difficulty breathing develops, evaluate for respiratory tract irritation, bronchitis, or pneumonitis. Administer oxygen and assist ventilation as required. Treat bronchospasm with beta2 agonist and corticosteroid aerosols.

Remove contaminated clothing and wash exposed area thoroughly with soap and water. A physician should examine the area if irritation or pain persists.

Irrigate exposed eyes with copious amounts of tepid water for at least 15 minutes. If irritation, pain, swelling, lacrimation, or photophobia persist, the patient should be seen in a health care facility.

Keep in a cool, dry, dark location in a tightly sealed container or cylinder. Keep away from incompatible materials, ignition sources and untrained individuals. Secure and label area. Protect containers/cylinders from physical damage.

All chemicals should be considered hazardous. Avoid direct physical contact. Use appropriate, approved safety equipment. Untrained individuals should not handle this chemical or its container. Handling should occur in a chemical fume hood.

Respiratory irritation is uncommon, but possible.

Dermal irritation may sometimes develop.

Irritation of eyes, nose, and throat may occur.

Gi tract or esophageal irritation may occur.

[Personal Protection]

Use of garments to protect workmen from irritation due to contact with phthalic anhydride which is used in the manufacturing process of phthalic acid esters; gloves should be used to prevent contamination of the hand and lower arm. Synth of phthalates require good ventilation in order to minimize contamination of air with phthalic anhydride or alcohols. There may be also some need for skin protection. Handling mineral acids used as catalysts requires ordinary precautions.

Use NIOSH/MSHA approved respirator appropriate for exposure of concern.
[Exposure Effects]

Central nervous system depression may occur with ingestion of large amounts.

Oily colorless liquid with a slight ester odor.
[Solubility in water]

[Melting Point]

[Boiling Point]

[Vapor Pressure]

6E-6 (25 C)

0.984 g/cm3 (20 C)

Plasticizer for poly vinyl chloride jackets for building wire.
[Vapor Density]

[Product Name]

1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid diisooctyl ester

1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, diisooctylester
Bis(6-methylheptyl) benzene-1,2-dicarboxylate


[Molecular Weight]



[RTECS Class]

Primary Irritant

[Small spills/leaks]

Evacuate area and ventilate. Wear protective equipment. If required, use an inert absrobent. Sweep up and place in an appropriate container for disposal. Wash contaminated surfaces.

No data.

Reacts exothermically with acids to generate isooctyl alcohol and phthalic acid Strong oxidizing acids may cause a vigorous reaction that is sufficiently exothermic to ignite the reaction products Interaction with caustic solutions.

When heated to decomposition it emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes.
[Combustion Products]
